“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes”
Experience the transformative love of God and encounter His presence in worship.
Provide an inspiring and safe environment for people to meet with God.
Select a repertoire of worship songs for each congregation that provide a balance of musical space and Biblical content.
We are inspired, refreshed and equipped to worship God throughout our daily lives.
Teach on the topic of “worship as a lifestyle” at each lighthouse group over the course of the next 12 months.
Run regular worship nights where people can be filled up and refreshed
Define and unite around the values for worship
Share new songs in the newsletter and on social media.
To build a team of singers, musicians and technicians and enable people to flourish in their gifts.
Run regular worship workshops.
Send teams to bless other churches in the St Albans diocese.
Run Alpha 3 times per year by 2020
Develop welcome and hospitality
Increase the number of under 16’s living as disciples of Christ to 100 by 2020
Grow to an average weekly attendance of 350 by 2020
Develop a primary schools ministry team by 2020
Plant 3 new Lighthouse groups outside of the parish: Dunstable, Houghton Regis and Hockwell Ring by 2020
Launch a fresh expression by 2020
Blessing and supporting others in mission
Increase the depth and strength of our relationship with Jesus. In intimacy, in understanding and in His effect on our lives.
Recruit 70% of the electoral roll into Lighthouse groups by 2020.
Develop a yearly rhythm of courses with teams to deliver them including: Alpha, Marriage, Parenting and Freedom courses
Expand the way in which we follow Jesus throughout every part of life.
Encourage all member ministry, in and out of lighthouse groups. A community that is increasingly using the gifts God has given them, shown by a wider volunteer base growing to 50% (from a current level of 35%) by 2020.
“I will keep you and appoint you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the nations, to open the eyes of the blind, to bring prisoners out of the dungeon, and those sitting in darkness out from the prison house. ”
To support this we will
Develop altar prayer teams
Develop a rhythm of fasting & prayer
Develop regular prayer times for healing prayer
Develop a culture of prayer ministry in Sunday services
Lighthouse Leadership Huddle
Develop leadership training and coaching
Strengthen all ministry teams to ensure succession of leadership and proper processes
Increase the number of leaders through volunteers and/or paid staff
Increase the diversity of leaders
Develop an intern program
Impove our facilities
Agree a strategy for improving of our facilities through a feasibility study and survey by 2017
Fundraise for the first phase of development by 2020
Begin the first stage of building development by 2021
We want to give everyone in Lewsey the chance to experience God’s transforming love through relationship with a follower of Jesus.
WE ARE a community of Light gathered around mission and empowered by prayer, living light wherever we are.
Love: We love God passionately and seek to love each other with a radical acceptance; honouring each person for who they are created to be.
Hope: We seek to maintain hope in God in all circumstances knowing that He will work everything out for the good of those who love Him.
Faith: We have confidence and trust in God and we exercise faith in order to grow in it.
Be a house of PRAYER for the nations.
Bring HEALING in mind, body and spirit.
Be a FAMILY of all nations.
Be a community of TRANSFORMATION
Promoting a lifestyle of mission
Lighthouse groups – ‘doing life’, worship, discipleship and mission with extended families
Projects to engage with the community and bless the poorest
Sunday celebrations – celebrating the mission and ministry of the church at work in the world.