Are you hungry to go deeper with God?
Do you want to know more about who you are?
Do you need Freedom?
Transform is a series of 10 workshop type sessions where we address these questions along with others.
Hear from others…
Quotes: “it changed our whole family!”, “I can’t stop telling people how wonderfully made they are, it’s changed how I view everyone now I know how God sees me”, “I had no idea I could hear God for myself”, “I take what God said about me to work, I’ve put it where I can see it all the time so I can keep reminding myself and be encouraged.”, “It feels like family when we do this together”.
Who is this for?
Anyone who is hungry to go deeper with God. It doesn’t matter if you are unsure about Jesus, new to faith, have been around for years, or even if you’ve done this before. There’s always something new for everyone.
Please register your interest by emailing
Week 1: Transformation
Week 2: Who am I? – Identity
Week 3: Hearing God
Week 4: Prayer Appointments
Week 5: Spiritual realms – what’s going on?
Week 6: Strongholds, and Repentance as a gift
Week 7: Injustice and Forgiveness
Week 8: Generational patterns & intercession
Week 9: Family matters
Week 10: Blessings, curses and staying free
If you want to catch up on parts of this year’s course you may have missed, then see this page.