What is it?
A great course that covers essential topics for parents of children in the primary years.
Parentalk - The Primary Years from Care for the Family is a DVD based course for parents of children aged 4 to 11 years. Providing common sense, jargon-free information and ideas to help you engage with your children and boost your relationship.
Parenttalk - The Primary Years is all about helping mums and dads to do the best job they can at bringing up their children. Over six sessions you’ll increase your skills and confidence as a parent and discover practical tools to make your relationship with your child even better.
The sessions
Session 1: It’s not just me
Session 2: Love them and let them know
Session 3: It’s good to talk
Session 4: Boundaries and battles
Session 5: Parenting with elastic
Session 6: Creating a sense of belonging
We may occasionally be running a Parentalk course at St. Hugh’s. Please email joe@sthughs.org.uk to register your interest.